Debonair in Donegal

This is the Debonair. IMG_5188 IMG_5201

It is my blissfully quiet, peaceful retreat on St. John’s Point outside of Dunkineely.

Dusk is settling down upon us all following a lovely, rare blue sky of an afternoon. IMG_5190

I walked in the morning, before the sun arrived, through a misty soft day, over the rolling hills,

past cattle IMG_5122

and caves hidden beneath the cliffs.IMG_5124

Here are Gloria the Goat and friend, enjoying an evening snack as they bed in for the night. IMG_5191

Mommy Dearest and her two female foals come racing to me in the hope of getting a handout as they shelter in. IMG_5196 I disappoint, though I give them each a good scratch behind the ears.

The hens, save these two adventurers, IMG_5151 are brooding quietly in their stone cottage, safe from the foxes and weasels who would love a warm bite.

Eocha rests quietly in front of the caravan, happy not to be rolling on her wheels for four days in a row. IMG_5200

This little sheltered nook is a place to watch the waves roll in

the light change again and again IMG_5125
and again, while listening to sea birds calling out to their mates as they head inland.

The grass is green and rippling. IMG_5192

The head of the peninsula, beckoning.

Soon I will light the turf and cozy down deep for another peaceful night’s sleep.

What a gift is this life.

Blessed Be.

2 thoughts on “Debonair in Donegal”

  1. This is my notion of “heaven”. Somehow I need to find a way to spend at least a month in a place like this. Just your photographs and descriptions alone brought me a euphoric peace the likes of which I don’t generally experience outside of IV analgesics. LOL

    1. I was thinking as I drove away this morning to come to Castle Clonbock that I would like to stay at least a month there, too.

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