Brother Oooh Tells it Like it Is

Just went for Chicken Pho because It helps you get well. imagesmedicine of choice

The tables were all full so I sat at the counter next to a man who introduced himself as Ooooh or Uuuh (spelling probably wrong), a Laotian refugee.

I learned a lot from Brother Uuuh. How God pulled Lucifer’s head off in August of 2014 but then forgave him all his sins and now Lucifer is no longer a fallen angel. 27173 a penitent Lucifer

I learned that Uuuh and his brother saw an alien spaceship over Boeing field last year and then an Angel of God appeared and told then to shoot at it. They saw the alien’s head “explode inside his helmet”. unknown-1

I learned that there is a church in Portland where the minister was saved by an angel and now is empowered to bring demon’s souls to his church where they are given the chance to be saved or rot in the ground.

I learned that last May, over two million angels descended in the Hollywood hills with the sole purpose of saving celebrities. hqdefault
However, Michael Jackson will never be saved unknown-2

but Marilyn Monroe already has been. images

He wasn’t sure about Trump but thought he might really be a lizard demon in human form fulfilling a prophecy.unknown-1

I learned that Christianity is the only true religion and that within 50 years there will be 7 brothers, who are sons of God, who will each head up a major nation but the the US will not be one of the chosen because we are not following the path of love.

I learned that Adam’s first wife, Lilith, refused to stay with Adam because he was lazy so God created an invisible garden for her where she and her children have eternal, sin free life, but they are invisible.15857125f8170faff35d1531149e42da
Adam was too lazy for her

I learned that when he was six he fell into a coma and when he awakened from it he was in a Christian hospital staffed by a missionary man from France, a female from Canada and a female from America. They taught him some of these things images “Lucky” Laotians losing their culture

but the rest they could not know because they were not Asian. He, however, has seen these things with his own eyes.

I learned there is an underwater base for aliens who God protects right off the coast of Oregon. images
These aliens have their own Gods, who are not more powerful than ours and they need our nuclear energy and clean water.

Uuuh has seen God but you cannot look at his face because his eyes are flames which will burn you alive.
unknown-1 Do NOT look into these eyes!

There was so much more but my brain couldn’t take it all in.
He shared these things with me because “I can see that you have been protected by the Angels”.

He told me I must forgive everyone I havn’t yet forgiven, which is the only true path to my soul’s salvation. “God has already forgiven you through his son, Jesus Christ and now you must forgive all of the others”.

Funnily enough, there are a few people out there I do not find it easy to forgive.images
I guess I have some work cut out for me.

I wished Oooh.Uuuh peace and made a quiet exit.